Unicorn Taxi Booking and Dispatch System |
Unicorn is an advanced taxi booking and despatch system, designed with the needs of
minicab and private hire companies in mind.
The flexibility, ease of use and low cost of the Unicorn Taxi Dispatch system makes it the perfect choice
for private hire companies and taxi offices employing from few to hundreds of drivers.
Unicorn's intelligent dispatch engine will boost your productivity and reduces the cost
by allocating the jobs to closest drivers whilst also keeping track of the fair distribution
of the jobs.
Unicorn equally improves the efficiency in the office by assisting the controllers with a full
range of facilities including Caller Line Identification (CLI), Address Management, Automatic
Price Calculation, Delay Estimates, Online Bookings, Trip and Security Codes, and whole
range of other facilities built to save time and increase accuracy.
Deploying the latest technology, Unicorn uses PDA units and other GPS and GPRS hardware
and software to create a full picture of the locations of all vehicles and customers at any given
moment of time. The information transposed on maps allows the controllers to have a full
graphical picture of the operation at all times.
Call us today for a free demonstration.